Report your power outage and relevant details here. By using this power outage map sharing tool, you can provide details of your outage with the community near you. Emergency responders, government officials, and your community can visualize when and where power outage events are happening. Tell your power outage story; how long have you been without power, do you need medical support, are you safe, are there wires or trees down where you are? Report your power outage and find members of your community that are seeking support during power outage events. This data will support DataCapable’s Global Power Outage Tracker.

Please note, the information you enter when clicking “Report Problem” (your name, email, selected location, and issue description) will be publicly visible on this map.

Disclaimer:  by reporting a problem, the user understands and agrees that your first name, last name, email, issue details, and location Content will be shared publicly. Any responsibility or liability for the representation and accuracy of this Content or any use made of this Content by viewers, whether or not arising from the negligence, the user shall be solely liable for any Content made and its accuracy. DataCapable has no responsibility and assumes no liability for any Content posted by a user, or any third-party.